Well, it's been a long time. Just over a month. I feel like I'm talking to an old friend that I haven't seen since school. Either way, I'm back on the blog. It's going to be a little intermittent over the next while, we have made the move to Spain, but are still waiting the arrival of our the rest of our flat from London. I managed to forget our camera so this is going to be a pictureless blog.
For this blog, I thought I'd do some Spanish homework at the same time as researching a little bit about the food in season at the moment. The following list is from Simone Ortega's very good "1080 Recetas de Cocina". They are all the ingredients in season at the moment. I have asterisked those that I needed the dictionary to translate...
Champiñon de París = button mushrooms
Acelgas = chard or beet*
Zanahorías = carrot
Puerros = leek
Lechuga = lettuce
Cebollas = onion
Cebillitas francesas = shallot*
Remolacha = beetroot*
Coliflor = cauliflower
Espinacas = spinach
Lombarda = red cabbage (based on google image search only)*
Repollo = cabbage*
Apio = celery
Tomates = tomatoes
Pimientos verdes y rojos = red and green peppers
Alcachofas = artichoke
Calabacines = courgette
Berenjenas = aubergine
Judías verdes = green beans
Calabaza = pumpkin ... or "to fail"*
14 of 20 without using the dictionary
Merluza = hake*
Pescadilla = whiting*
Rape = monkfish
Lubina = sea bass
Lenguado = sole
Gallo = rooster* (eh, not really a fish?)
Breca = sea bream? courtesy of www.fishbase.org via google images Pagellus erythrinus*
Rodaballo = turbot or flounder*
Congrio = conger eel*
Sardinas = sardines
Boquerones = anchovies*
Besugo = sea bream*
Pez espada = sword fish
Calamares = squid
Cigales = crayfish (dublin bay prawn)
Gambas = shrimp
Chirlas = something like baby clams, may not have an English name?*
Langosta = lobster
Langostinos = languistine
Bogavante = hake*
Carabineros = a little crustacean, this is a somewhat vague translation from blancs*
Almejas = clams
Mejillones = mussels
Ostras = oysters
13 of 24 without the use of dictionary*
Piña = pineapple
Manzanas = apples
Peras amarillas = yellow pears
Peras de agua = water pears
Limones = lemons
Naranjas = oranges
Pomelos = a pomelo?*
Melón = melon
Uvas = grapes
Ciruelas = plums
Chirimoyas = chirimoya*
Plátanos = bananas
Membrillos (desde medio mes) = quince (from the middle of the month)
Aquacates = avocado
Kiwis = kiwis
13 out of 15 without using dictionary. Both pomelos and chirimoyas are new to me, but I have eaten both previously... if you know what I mean.
Pollo = chicken
Gallina = hen
Conejo = rabbit
Vaca = cow
Ternera = veal*
Cerdo = pig
Cordero = lamb
Mollejas de ternera = fried sweetbreads*
Cochinillo = suckling pig
Perdices = partridges*
Liebre = hare*
Codornices = quail*
Becada = a game bird, but I don't know what the English name is
Faisán = pheasant
Aves acuáticas = aquatic birds?
Venado = veniso*
Jabalí = wild boar*
8 of 17 without dictionary
A few things that the above tells us:
- I understand about 63% of the food in Spain. That makes me a C student, I reckon that is about right.
- I have learnt more fruit and vegetable names over the past years of coming to Spain (87% and 70% respectively). This could either point towards their strong role in the mediterranean diet or, maybe you shouldn't trust my translations.
- Meat and fish let me down (47% and 54% respectively). Alan Davidson would be disappointed. I guess any low cholesterol diet would have mixed feelings on it...
Either way, you can expect the above to feature heavily in recipes over the next month... I'm now going out for something that I can understand; tinto de verano y tapas.
Technorati Tags: season spain food
Friday, October 07, 2005
In Season in Spain
Verduras (vegetables)
Pescado y mariscos = fish and shellfish
Frutas = fruit
Carnes = meat
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I was wondering what happened to you. Congratulations on moving to Spain. Is this a permanent move? There aren't many food blogs about Spain, so I look forward to hearing your tales while you're there.
Posted by Brett
Welcome to Spain! Sorry, my English is not very good... I can read it all right, but writing is difficult!
shallot: also known as "chalotas" or "escalonias"
gallo: well... it can be translated as "rooster" if you are speaking about the "male hen" :D The English name of the fish is "megrims", I think... (the scientific name is Lepidorhombus spp).
Bogavante: similar to lobster, the European bogavante is Homarus gammarus (scientific name), while the American is Homarus americanus.
Pomelo: Grapefruit, I think
Chirimoya: I think the English name for this fruit is chErimoya
I love your blog!
Posted by Cristina
hello brett, yes, this is a permanent move... i've already seen loads of stuff to blog, but i'm half waiting for my camera to turn up... stay tuned.
cristina... thanks a million for all the translations. i'm sure that i'll need your help in the future. i'm about to cook some "cardo" (cardoon), which, whilst it grows in many places, seems to be particularly prized in the mediterranean...
cheers, steve
Posted by steve
I had a similar experience because I met wit a friend I hadn't seen since long time ago, and I have to say she looked so beautiful and hot, imagine what a legs and body she had.
Wow, loving this site! Love the part about in season in spain.
I'm also a recently moved to barcelona - spanish foodie/nutritionist and I have a website about it also.
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